Late summer garden

Hello friends! I know it’s been a while, but it’s been a busy summer! We’ve had drought, then too much rain, blight, bugs, and everything in between to deal with, but the harvest is coming in, and this is my favorite time of year!

I have a video linked below, but I thought I’d share some photos of the garden over the last couple months.

I reused my scarecrow from last year, but I washed his overalls and shirt, then added some fabric, a garland and a new hat from the thrift store.

I love to grow plenty of gourds and pumpkins for fall decorating, and there are so many different kinds here that I didn’t even see them until the vines started dying back. There are several in the video.

Our Kennebec potatoes are curing in the ground, then we’ll dig and put them in the cellar next month.

My son and I pulled the heirloom Silver Queen corn and shucked it, then mother cut it off and prepared it for the freezer. Of course mother has already put up about 200 quarts of green beans, tomatoes, all kinds of jams and jellies, peaches, pears, and more. She amazes me!

This seems to be the year for peppers, so I’m chopping some for the freezer and using a lot fresh.

I grew several different kinds of tomatoes and have started canning those in small batches.

My favorite pink tip beans won’t be ready for a few weeks, but I’ve already had lots of Blue Lakes and French Filets.

I love to grow all the pumpkins, and these “super freaks” have done so well this year.

This is what we eat, and mother makes the most delicious “pumpkin” pies from these Candy Roasters, which is a Native American squash. These seeds have been passed down through generations, and I got these this year from my uncle Jerry because I wanted this smaller version, and they have produced really well.

My sunflowers have been beautiful as well.

These are just a few peeks of what I’ve been working on all summer.

I love the foggy mornings best of all:-)

I have a late-summer wrap up video on the channel, so be sure to check that out! I’ll be moving on to fall content, which is my favorite season so be sure you’re subscribed to the channel and following here!





  1. Lin Rader
    August 19, 2024 / 5:43 pm

    Loved this post! Brings back super memories of our cabin in Kentucky. Anxiously awaiting you Fall decor post! God bless and keep you and family as He paints His gorgeous Fall landscape for us to enjoy!
    Love from Lin in Michigan ❤❤❤

    • anitaknightdiaz
      August 19, 2024 / 9:22 pm

      Thank you so much Lin!! Yes it’s such an amazing display of the beauty He has made!!

  2. August 20, 2024 / 8:49 am

    My goodness such gorgeous photos. What huge amount of greenbeans. Ours have been stunted by the hot weather in early summer and are just now trying to produce. And yes, the rains and heat have been a bumper crop of bugs. Great photos and I’m jealous of your space and quantities, hugs, Sandi

    • anitaknightdiaz
      August 20, 2024 / 6:24 pm

      Thank you so much Sandi! Yes it’s been a fight this year, but some things have just done amazingly well, so we’re thankful🙂

  3. August 20, 2024 / 9:12 am

    Oh, my! I just LOVE these photos! I will be pinning away!😁 They have what I would call an ethereal vibe. Just gorgeous! God bless you and your home and family. I’m headed over to watch your video.

    • anitaknightdiaz
      August 20, 2024 / 6:23 pm

      Thank you Cheryl, I appreciate that! I love those misty/foggy mornings and waited to shoot photos until we started to have them:-)

  4. Briana from Texas
    August 20, 2024 / 12:45 pm

    I love your garden! Everything looks so lush and beautiful!! I used to think that scarecrows were creepy, but yours is so cute!

    • anitaknightdiaz
      August 20, 2024 / 6:22 pm

      Thank you so much Briana!!

  5. Patricia
    August 20, 2024 / 3:02 pm

    I just watched your video of your garden. Beautiful. Loved the apple series. The apples look just like the ones on my daddy’s farm when I was growing up. We canned applesauce that looked like yours and we made apple jelly that was delicious —froze apples for pies and dried apples for fried apple pies—delicious. What wonderful memories this brought back of my childhood. Thank you.

    • anitaknightdiaz
      August 20, 2024 / 6:22 pm

      Oh Patricia, that sounds just wonderful!! Thank you for sharing:-)

  6. Christine Irvine
    August 22, 2024 / 2:14 pm

    Beautiful video! I love your homestead. Inside and out, it’s so warm and welcoming and fruitful.
    I have been following your blog for quite some time. Can you give an update on your family?

    Greetings from New Hampshire.
    It’s starting to feel like Autumn here…I can’t wait.

    • anitaknightdiaz
      August 23, 2024 / 6:45 am

      Thank you so much Christine! We’re all doing well, thanks for asking:-)

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