Early Spring Cottage Bedroom Refresh

Hello friends! I’m back with a little spring refresh in the bedroom – super simple and very budget friendly.

After Christmas, I really loved the reds, so I put away the green quilt and green velvet pillow covers and just concentrated on red and white. I added back the white chenille spread mother gave me, and because it’s still winter here, I still have the down comforter out🙂

I made the lumbar pillow cover out of some of the fabric I got at JoAnn’s after Christmas, similar to the one I made the sink skirt from in the kitchen. I bought the two red velvet pillow covers from amazon, (*this is an affiliate link) only because the red velvet fabric I had here was heavy upholstery weight and wouldn’t work for pillows.

I kept the antique quilt a friend gave mother, and added some blankets I had to the cedar chest my great aunt gave me. (The bed was a find on the property that I restored years ago.)

I found a red Calandiva at my local grocery store and thought that was the perfect touch for spring.  The Afghan rug is from ecarpetgallery on eBay years ago. Mother made the red velvet quilt. The Victorian-era dresser is an antique passed down from a relative, and although the original mirror was missing, she also gave us this mirror, and I think it works just fine with the dresser.

This little rose paper weight belonged to my grandmother.

The chaise was my great grandmother’s, and the paintings are by my late uncle Rex Thrower from Montana.

I restored the antique medicine cabinet a few years ago and put everything back in it like I found it. The handkerchief was a gift from to a relative from her husband for their wedding in 1872, then passed down to her nieces for their weddings. None of them had children, so we were lucky to have it passed on to us. It is a treasure for me to keep in the family.  The bowl and pitcher belonged to my grandmother, and the photo is of her and her mother. The oil lamp belonged to my great grandfather.

Also, the antique incense burner was a gift from the same relative who gave us the handkerchief as was the chest and bedside table.

The sewing basket was also my grandmother’s.

The little striped gown was my grandfather’s, and the early 1900s Perfection Kerosene heater was here on the property.  The relative who gave us the furniture and handkerchief, also painted the painting on the mantel I made from an old door years ago.

The chair belonged to my great grandmother, and the mirror was one my grandmother bought probably in the 1970s.

The beads hanging across the mantel include Cherokee corn beads.

Another painting by my relative is in the alcove, and my great aunt Nannie’s night gown hangs on the door. I restored and installed all these doors and trim that was saved from the Victorian house here my daddy grew up in. (It was sadly dismantled in the early 1960s, but the architectural elements were saved.)

Daddy made the copper floor lamp many years ago, and it is also something I cherish.

I didn’t do a lot in here, but I really have come to enjoy a simpler (for me anyway) space, and really love the red and white as opposed to the pastels I usually do this time of year. I do love to rotate things around for a new look, so you’ll never see me doing a decluttering/purge post or video in January😂 I reuse things – a lot, and I’m thankful to have some of the family things that would have been thrown away or donated had they not come my direction. I’m very fortunate that my kids all love family things as well, so I know they will continue being loved through the years.


Thanks for stopping by, and make sure to watch the video on my channel. Are you subscribed to my channel?? I’d love to have you join me there!!


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